Users will see the products available to them based on the current offers you have set available that they match under.
Users will not receive a pro-rated refund for the unused portion of their subscription if they cancel their subscription.
Updating a User's Subscription from Their Hype Account
Follow these steps to have a user change their subscription plan:
Login to your Hype account.
Click Manage Subscription.
Click Switch Plan.
Enter the discount code or select the new plan.
Below is a quick link to the Manage Subscription page for users. Make sure to edit the link with your site URL: https://YOURSITE.COM/?pn=manage_payment
Updating a Contact's Subscription from Dashboard
You have the ability to manage the contact's subscription from within the Hype Dashboard. Open the Contacts page of the Hype Dashboard, and navigate to the user you would like to modify.
On the contact, select the overflow menu option next to Membership:
From here, you can give a user free access or cancel a membership immediately and provide a refund. This is useful if you want to remove a user's subscription and provide a refund or cancel the subscription immediately and allow them to re-subscribe to a different tier or plan.
If they want to upgrade to a higher tier, they should use the Switch Now feature and switch to the tier they want to be on, and our system can calculate the charge and see what the difference is for the upgrade.